What is RSS/XML?
Have you seen this icon?
Do you visit a bunch of websites on a daily basis? Do you hate having to bookmark each of these sites and keep checking back to see if there are new articles? Do you wish your favorite sites would let you know when there is something new to read? Then you need an RSS application. RSS stands for "Real Simple Syndication." It is a simple application that allows you to subscribe (for free) to each of your favorite sites and lets you know when those sites change. They basically check each of the websites you subscribe to every 30 minutes or so to see if any new articles have been posted. If there is a new article, a visual indicator is displayed on your screen to let you know. You can then view the title of the article or even read the entire article on your RSS reader without ever having to go to the site. Pictures are usually visible also.
Most RSS applications are completely free to download and use. Check some of your favorite sites now and look on the main page for "RSS" or "XML" words, links, or logos (they are usually at the bottom of the page). All types of websites can be subscribed to using an RSS reader. A few examples include: CNN, Sports Illustrated, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and even Scott's Blogtastic Blog (see the "Resources" section on the right). For the major sites, you can even subscribe to just the sections you prefer (i.e. entertainment, world news, business). Check it out if it sounds like something you could use. It's just a good way to save time and organize the news and information you want. And don't make fun of me because I know most of you love killing time by surfing the web, especially you business school dorks who can't get enough of Business Week Online which also offers RSS feeds here.
Give it a shot, go download an RSS application by clicking on one of the links below. To subscribe to my RSS/XML feed, look on the right of this page under "Resources" and click on the XML icon. Copy the url of the page it takes you to. Then click on "Subscribe" in your RSS reader and paste the url in. It's that simple and you'll never have to wonder when I've updated my site.
Here are some links to free RSS readers for you to download.
RSS Reader
Net News Wire Lite
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