I have some Gmail invitations that have been sitting in my account for months. I don't know if Gmail invites are still sought after, but if you want one, just give me a post with your email address (or just telling me to visit your site). I absolutely love Gmail simply because of the way it organizes all the emails (if you don't know what I mean, then you should get an account).
Hey, randomly stumbled onto your blog, but I have been wanting to get a gmail account for a while now. If you still have the invites, I'd really appreciate one! You can email me at wjoelsmith [at] hotmail [dot] com, or you could drop by my blog at Thanks a million! Very intersting blog, by the way, quite entertaining. :)
I know you posted this almost a month ago, but if you have any more gmail invites, I'd like to give it a try. My email is jch16[at]psu[dot]edu
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